Saturday, June 25, 2011

Upping the ante

First of all, let me start off with how proud I am of my home state of New York and the legalization of same-sex marriage - It's about damn time! I am so disappointed I didn't get in on the NYRR Pride Run this morning. I can't imagine the excitement there, just hours after the legislature made it's decision!

After 3 weeks of training (and 18 more to go) I am learning more about the challenges of distance running. I've done a few 8-mi plus runs now and a few issues I have run into:

1. FATIGUE! Not during, but after. I haven't been particularly sore nor do my runs feel terribly difficult (I usually feel positively HIGH by mile 5) but boy oh boy do I need more sleep. Marathon expert Hal Higdon emphasizes the importance of recovery in training and my body is giving me that message loud and clear.

2. Chafing. Oh dear. Sorry if this is TMI. After a 8  miler out in my hometown last weekend it looked like someone took sandpaper to my inner thighs. I assume some of this will go away as I lose weight (it's almost effortless so long as I keep up my training schedule) but thank god I discovered this:

I also invested in a pair of compression capri pants so that of course will help too. This venture is more costly than I thought!

3. Scheduling. This week has been crazy. An unexpected wake. A sudden meeting with the coop board at my future apartment. I can't squeeze these 5 mi + training runs in at my lunch break anymore...
Eventually I am going to start having to get up and do the dreaded "before work" run. But until then, I will do my best to make time around these events! Sometimes it's a decision between run or eat or run or sleep...I just have to make them in the moment!

4. Cross Training. This really deserves another post. But let's just say that I need to do more than run to be in top shape. 

I finally chose a really great pair of sneakers too. Let's show them off:

(Saucony's for those who care)

Tomorrow morning is my first official NYRR run in central park - the Achilles Hope and Possibility 5 miler. I am excited!

And as always, a plug for the real reason I am running this marathon - for the FABULOUS Lower East Side Girls Club. PLEASE VISIT MY DONATION PAGE HERE

1 comment:

  1. Body Glide!!! Dave was in serious need of this after some long warm weather hikes in Hawaii. it's not TMI. people need to know there is a solution! Aloha, Em
